Time, Tasks, and ADHD: Mastering Prospective Memory for Daily Life March 3rd 8 - 9:15 PM EST. Daniella Karidi

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you went there? That moment is a lapse in prospective memory—our ability to recall future tasks, like taking medication or keeping appointments. For those with ADHD, struggles with prospective memory can have a major impact on daily life.

In this session, we'll dive into the two key types of prospective memory: event-based tasks (e.g., withdrawing cash from an ATM) and time-based tasks (e.g., remembering a Zoom call at 4 PM), with a focus on why time-based tasks pose a greater challenge for individuals with ADHD. We’ll also discuss factors that affect prospective memory, such as aging and health and explore how technology can offer support.

Attendees will gain valuable insights into prospective memory in ADHD, along with practical tools to manage these difficulties—enhancing productivity, executive function, and overall well-being.

Daniella Karidi, PhD, CPC, is the founder of ADHDtime, a coaching practice based in Encino, California that specializes in empowering individuals with ADHD to achieve success and fulfillment. She is also a member of the board of directors of CHADD of Greater Los Angeles and a frequent speaker at the International Conference on ADHD. Dr. Karidi supports diverse populations across pivotal life transitions, including college transitions, career advancements, and retirement. She has a PhD from Northwestern University with a focus on memory and ADHD, as well as a Master's degree from the University of Haifa in Learning Disabilities. Her expertise extends to executive coaching, having received training from the College of Executive Coaching, and advanced ADHD coaching skills from JST Coaching and Training. www.ADHDtime.com


Structuring Summer Vacations May 5th 8 - 9:15 PM EST. Stephani Synn, Psy.D.


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